Monday, October 15, 2012


It is just the second week of our MOST FAVORITE HYIP PROGRAM and the race is on! Day after day, you can see different programs either rise up or down. There are also some programs that technically went out of the rise, while some “walked-out.”

Without any further delays, here is this week’s result in comparison to last week’s.
Programs that improved on rankings:

Programs that dropped on rankings:
Most improved: PrimeX 7 with 15 placements
Most declined: Profit Clicking with 16 placements

Newly Included Programs:

Retired programs:
  • Hero – 10
  • Jambo Profit
  • Lagom Finance
  • Universal Finance
So that’s it for this week’s results. Hope to see you again on next week’s episode of our MOST FAVORITE HYIP Program!
Do not forget to share and like our Survey Poll. And lastly DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE!