After a very silent day from the programs, I finally had more time to reflect on what would be the “NEXT” thing for The HYIP Bulletin.
As you all know by now, what separates The HYIP Bulletin from the rest is its unique ADVOCACY to both the program administrators and the HYIP investors. In general, I value the HYIP industry as a whole.
Thus, I am presenting you another EXCLUSIVE EVENT only here in The HYIP Bulletin – “Refer A Subscriber.”
· This event will be called “Refer A Subscriber.”
· This event is open to all VERIFIED subscribers of The HYIP Bulletin.
· The event’s goal is to promote awareness of the HYIP industry.
· The event will also help in improving the number of followers and subscribers of The HYIP Bulletin.
· To join, simple send a list of your referred subscribers (name and email) with your name as the referrer at
· The person with the most number of VERIFIED subscribers referred to The HYIP Bulletin wins.
· The referred subscribers count is reset back to zero every Mondays per week and first days of the month
· There is NO LIMIT as to how many times you can win.
· Winners are announced in a WEEKLY and MONTHLY basis.
· The winner of the event will win $20 and $50 by end of the month.
· Program admin who likes to sponsor the event are also invited. Simply send me an email at for further discussions.