Saturday, January 5, 2013

Promising Program Updates: Stallion Gold in Chinese

Stallion Gold, the Top Most Favorite Program of November and our current rank 3, has announced the translation of the program to another language. Edward, Stallion Gold’s admin who was  interviewed here, seems to be doing all the right things for the program every since from start and up to date. This very good news will then be added in my Promising Program Updates Section.
Stallion Gold is categorized under long term programs and is paying 1.5-4% daily for 100 business days and has been online now for 124 days. It also has the 4-stage principal withdrawal feature allowing its members to cash out ¼ of their principal investments every 25 days.
Last December, Stallion Gold started to exponentially increase its already huge number of investors by making the program more friendly to the Russian Speaking Community. The move has created great results for the program soon after. As the 2012 draws closer to end, it has become apparent that Stallion Gold became one of the strongest program of the year. It is worth mentioning the fact that during this time also, Stallion Gold is in its most critical phase due to the fact that everyone is on a look out for signs of the program’s decline as it does the returning of its early investors’ principal money. Normally this is the most difficult time any long term programs can encourage more investors to place money in because of the risk of the program not being able to survive from paying all the requested capital. On top of this very critical period, it is also during the peak of Black December! Nevertheless, Stallion Gold showed everyone that they have prepared more than enough for this by easily surviving this difficult times.

At the start 2013, Stallion Gold has once again put out the big guns right from the start. They have made available the translation of their website into Chinese, making it available to the millions of Chinese speaking investors of the industry. In no time, this of course will once again create a tremendous impact for the program.
On another note, the company will be celebrating their company’s third anniversary gathering this coming January 7 and due to this internal celebration, it will also be the very first no pay out day for the year of 2013 for Stallion Gold. 
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Here are the program updates:

Website in Chinese
Dear investors and website visitors, in continuation of our efforts to meet the needs of our international community of clients, it is our great pleasure to announce that the website of StallionGold is now available in Chinese. To access the translated version, please use the link located at the top right corner of the site.”

“Anniversary Celebration
Dear investors and website visitors, on January 7th StallionGold Ltd. is celebrating its third anniversary since its official establishment and of the exciting journey in making the prosperity possible for so many individuals and organizations. We are truly happy being able to make positive difference in financial lives of our clients. Kindly note that due to this internal company event, no profits will be credited to user accounts for the day of upcoming Monday, January 7th, 2013.”

Alpha Capital FX New Milestone

We received  a newsletter today from Alpha Capital FX about having their very first investors of their Dampier Plan completing one cycle today which itself is a milestone for the program.

Alpha Capital (reviewed here) is the recently added program in My Personal List and had been continually gaining more and more investors each day. It is more of a middle term investment program offering two plans for a minimum of $25 as an initial investment - the Dampier Plan which offers a total of 107% return or 7% profit after a lock in of your investments for 7 days and the Pilbara Plan which pays 5% daily for 31 business days giving a total return of 155% upon maturity including your principal or a total of 55% pure profit. Contrary to the first plan, you can do daily cash outs with the Pilbara Plan.

Alpha Capital has also recently added more premium enlisting monitors and has taken the necessary actions to actively promote its program for the race of 2013.

Here is the entire newsletter:
"Good day Sir ,
I am happy to announce that Alpha Capital Fx achieved first milestone successfully.
first cyle of Dampier Plan ( 107% After 7 Days ) completed today, itself. Still many more to come.

Happy weekend.

Best regards

Steve Allen
Alpha Capital Fx"

Warning: Prospera Nova Short Term Plan Extended

We receive a newsletter from ProsperaNova today. It is currently ranked 9 in the Top Most Favorite Program and has been online now for 121 days. The said newsletter is about an extension of the "short term plan" introduced last December which pays for 135% after 10 days until January 7th. If you did remember my warning about the said unusual move from the admin, it looks like the admin is hoping to get more investments from its members and investors despite having to lose more with the high return on a much shorter period from its original plan.

Nevertheless, I still strongly advise anyone who is planning to invest in the said "short term plan" to please consider approaching and trying out the new plan with extra precaution. Originally, ProsperaNova is a long term investment program that pays for 2% daily for 365 days and suddenly out of nowhere comes the introduction of a "short term plan" that will be available for  limited time only. Having been in the industry for a while now, I have seen too many similar moves from admins who apparent goes on scam a few days after. This could be a similar pattern we are seeing right now. I know some of you might be disagreeing with me right now about this though should you have been also a long time investor who is receiving prompt pay outs from the program as I do too, but it just is too sudden for this to happen. Anything that is of a sudden and unusual change, most especially on routinary things such as investment plans is a serious warning in the HYIP industry.

In any case, let us just wait and see if ProsperaNova will be able to sustain its program after having another go of trying to pay a lot of higher from its original plan after the term of these new plans which is available up until January 7. It is for you guys to decide if you will take this offer or not. As for me, I will have to pass.

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Here is the entire newsletter:

ProsperaNova: Extension of the New Year’s plan
Dear investors,
Due to the fact that many of our users could not fund their ecurrency accounts during the holidays we received a large amount of requests for an extension to the New Year’s plan. We decided to extend the plan. The new end date is January 7th.
We would like to remind you that the New Year plan pays 35% profit after 10 days, plus your principal back.
Many of you did, as we very well expected, request that we keep this plan permanently, but that is not possible. Although you must admit our standard daily plan with 2% every day is not bad as well.
As you can see, we have stepped into the new year working, pushing forward, and we intend to keep at it. We promise you, our users, a successful and profitable year together with us.
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards, ProsperaNova support”.

Stravia Full Program Review

Good day everyone. Today we will be looking into one of the latest program added to My Personal List which is named Stravia.

At a glance, there might be some features which I am not a fan of but the program also offers a number of unique and unusual features which separates it from the rest of the programs that we have today and in turn can potentially be one of top programs this 2013. I would lik to invite you to join me as we take closer and more detailed look on what Stravia has to offer. I am sure your interest will be caught by one or two of its features, which hopefully in turn will help you in deciding whether or not it is suited as an addition to the list of your portfolio this 2013.

Stravia is classified as a long term investment program that is online for 25 days now. I was added to as part of my enlisting 5 days ago. Being a long term program, it is safe to say that the program is pretty much young and new in the said category.

The HYIP Bulletin Featured Program of January

I would like to inform that our very first featured program for the month of January has finally been picked among the huge number of programs in the industry of today.

Since the program has not been launched formally, I still cannot give out the program's name. On the other hand, please expect the following leaked information from the program admin:

a. It is a long term investment program
b. It is running by one of the best script providers in the industry - Shadow Script