Sunday, October 28, 2012

Diamond Asset Announces A Delay In STP Pay Outs

Diamond Asset, one of our Top Most Favorite Program from the Survey Poll and is offering 1.8-2.5% daily for up to 120 business days, sends out a newsletter today about some delays in the pay outs of STP funds.

SolidTrustPay had been reported to do an overhaul update on the designs of their website and this is one of the main reasons as to why the said payment processor has been done lately. Because of the popularity of the said payment processor, it has now become one of the most used currency online.

As more and more programs are accepting the said currency, it is of no wonder that STP has to do some updating on their website, from system processes to designs. This will help bring in more influx of investors and users of their program. One obvious result to this is to make the website more appealing.

Since STP's said update is taking more than 24 hours to be finished, some programs are also affected by such progress. One of the affected programs is Diamond Asset. To settle down the worried investors of the said program, they had sent out a newsletter to explain the current situation.

Here is the entire newsletter:
"Dear Client,
This update is strictly for those who has pending withdrawal(s) on SolidTrust Pay. You may have notice that SolidTrust Pay website has been down for more than 24 hours and that\'s the reason why all withdrawals via STP are still pending. We will process all pending withdrawals as soon STP website is UP.

Thank you choosing Diamond Asset.

Diamond Asset Staff."

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