Friday, October 26, 2012

Finvance Free Exchange System

Finvance, one of the most successful HYIP and one of our Top Most Favorite Program and is offering an 8% daily for 28 days, sent out a newsletter today regarding their unique FREE EXCHANGE SYSTEM.

As one of the leading programs in the industry and over 50,000 active members, Finvance can easily be categorized as a the most successful program. One of the adverse effects of having too many members in the account is the possibility of database crashes. This is actually a normal incident considering the fact that the information could overload the database.

Unfortunately, Finvance experienced a technical issue today regarding their unique FREE EXCHANGE SYSTEM. As a resolution, they have already escalated the issue and a term around time is provided by their service technicians to be fully optimized early next week.

Nevertheless, all transactions are still on going and is up to date.

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