Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Benson Union Inaccessible to Other Locations + Monthly Webinar

Benson Union, rank 3 of The HYIP Bulletin’s Top Most Favorite Programs has sent a newsletter today regarding issues of website inaccessibility to some areas. The reason for this is dues to a massive DDoS attack to the servers of BlockDos wherein the program is hosted. Fortunately, there is a solution to the said problem. You can use web proxy servers and web anonymizers to access the said website.
Benson Union also announces the upcoming monthly webinar which will be held this November 15, 2012. This is a very good opportunity to talk to and ask some questions the CEO of the said program himself. The said event is has now become a monthly anticipated activity of the HYIP investors. If you have the time and chance do not miss the opportunity.
As for those who are not yet in the said program, Benson Union offers 1.2%-2.45% daily for 180 business days, with compounding and principal back feature. You can see the full detail of the said program here.

Here is the newsletter:
“Dear investors! Some other client of our DDOS protection provider is getting attacked so our website was partially unavailable for a few locations for last few hours. They provided us individual configuration to make our website accessible for all locations. Please keep in mind that DNS update may take a few hours and be patient if you still cannot access our website. You can use web anonymizers or proxy servers as well. Also we would like to inform that new webinar with the CEO of Benson Union will be held on Thursday, November 15. Monthly webinars already became our tradition and these meetings allow our active and potential clients to communicate face-to-face with top executive of Benson Union. We will provide more details regarding webinar plan and meeting time in next newsletter. Stay tuned!”

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