Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week Ending Reports, Problems and Scam Status 11/03/12

It is a new month and new week! In response to the every growing request I am receiving, The HYIP Bulletin Rankings, News, Updates, Problems and Scam report will now be issued twice per week.

Top 5 Most Favorite Programs
In our ranking section, the Top 5 Most Favorite Programs will be featured to give more emphasis and honor to their achievements.
1. Stallion Gold
2. Benson Union
3. Carbon Deals
4. FX Earn
5. 4FX Investment

As you can see, not much has changed for our Ranks 1 and 2 except that Stallion Gold has overtaken Benson Union  On the other hand, we have a totally new programs for ranks 3 to 5. Carbon Deals  who recently become super famous after the huge programs got out from the race, which is closely followed by FX Earn and 4FX Investment. You can see the other Top Ranked Programs here.

My Personal List
I have added two additional programs in My Personal List for these week. Please do take note that I joined these programs for personal reasons. I have included reviews for each so feel free to read them.

1. Caspian Capital

Problem Programs
Problem programs are programs who failed to send cash outs for the last 48 hours.These programs maybe have stopped paying for whatever individual reasons it could be - either hosting or server problems, personal or health issue. Nevertheless, not paying is not paying and thus they will be marked under problem status. IT IS STRONGLY ADVISED TO REFRAIN FROM INVESTING.
Fast Earn
Basic Winner
Deposit System
FX Easy Trade
Fxs Money
Professional Forex Union

Scam Status
These programs have been confirmed to be non-paying. These programs could either be those who failed to send cash outs after the given 48 hours, or the programs who explicitly inform everyone that they will be closing shops.
Finvance (Finvance V2 is open to scam more money)
Royal Union
Global Banker
Ponzi Invest
Omega Bank
Global Concept
Eu Depositary
Brotex Finance
Glo Bank (9 days)
FX Live Profit

Before I am going to close this week's weekending reports, problems and scam status, I would like to remind everyone that we are here to help you. Feel free to drop us a "HI" in the shoutbox and tell us your case. I will do my best to assist you!

Lastly, for this week's Strategies, Tips and Tricks Reminder:
Do not be greedy and aim for capital return first - Once you start exploring the HYIP programs, you will find out that thousands of programs are out there, ranging from .01% to 1000% daily promised profit. By common sense, those programs which offer too much profit are definitely not going to sustain. Always aim for return of capital first, before thinking about increasing your profit through compounding if available.

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