Thursday, December 6, 2012

Epic Royal Fund Upcoming Events Announced

Epic Royal Fund, an EXCLUSIVE HYIP that has been online now for 15 days has sent out the latest news, updates and plans of the program. Epic Royal Fund pays out in a weekly or monthly basis. and requires a minimum of $10 for cash out. Depending on what type of membership you have, your earnings also vary. Here are the list of investment contracts:

Investment Contract: 7 Day Fixed
Duration: 7 calendar days
Rate of Interest: Newcomer - 8%, Member - 8%, Sponsor - 10%, Guarantor - 12%
Principal Return: Upon Maturity after 7 days

Investment Contract: 15 Day Fixed
Duration: 15 calendar days
Rate of Interest: Newcomer - 20%, Member - 20%, Sponsor - 25%, Guarantor - 30%
Principal Return: Upon Maturity after 15 days

Investment Contract: 30 Day Fixed
Duration: 30 calendar days
Rate of Interest: Newcomer - 50%, Member - 50%, Sponsor - 60%, Guarantor - 70%
Principal Return: Upon Maturity after 30 days

Investment Contract: 60 Day Fixed
Duration: 60 calendar days
Rate of Interest: Newcomer - 130%, Member - 130%, Sponsor - 170%, Guarantor - 200%
Principal Return: Upon Maturity after 60 days

Do take note that Epic Royal Fund has chosen to be away from the public's eye and had been keeping their program on private status thus you will not find it in a lot of monitoring sites. In order to join, you need to have a SPONSOR. If you are interested in venturing in the said program, you may use my SPONSOR ID (thehyipbulletin) or simply click this link.

ACTIVATION IS MANUALLY VERIFIED and the activation of your account lasts up to 12 to 24 hours so please be patient. Although a bit tasking, it allows the company to properly validate the SPONSORS of each applicants.

Since the newsletter is pretty long, I will just put the different topics in the said newsletter. Please see full newsletter below.

1. Subscribe for FREE Daily News and Updates
2. Win CASH prizes WEEKLY!

Here is the entire newsletter:
"Dear Members,

It gives me great pleasure to bring you greetings from Stockholm, Sweden, on behalf of the whole EPIC-Royal Team, a group of devoted professionals who are passionate about investing. We all welcome you to join us in our efforts to make EPIC better as we strive to continually develop and improve our services to meet the challenges of tomorrow and set the highest standards possible.

We intend to continue this development and establish long-term relationships with our valuable Members and Partners. That is why I am excited to announce a whole series of events which will take place over the next few months - there will be much change, progress and excitement within the Club!

Below is a brief outline of the upcoming events:

1. Interview

Within about two weeks or so, I am going to be interviewed by one of the most respected and longest-running online investment blogs. The Interview will cover many important topics including the history of EPIC Royal, full background information on the company, its business model and future plans for development as well as the key people involved in the management of the Fund. Don't miss this event - you will not be disappointed!

To make the Interview more informative, interesting and complete, please send your questions, suggestions and ideas to

2. Social Media

We realize that we need to give Members an easier way to team up, communicate and access information on our day-to-day work and activities. Therefore, I have instructed our Programmer to add a few social widgets to our Website, so that you are always aware and well informed about what is happening within the Club. Simultaneously, we are developing a Facebook page and designing a Twitter profile - they will appear on the Splash page in a week! Further developments in this area include adding Google+, maybe LinkedIn, etc.

3. EPIC Wealth Blog

As many of you have noticed, we try to keep our Blog up to date with the latest updates and events. And in the next few short weeks, I plan to create a personal Blog section, where I can share some background information about myself, my role within the Club and what I do at Royal Caribbean Investment. I will be regularly posting articles about different events and activities I attend and on topics such as Offshore Tax Havens, Investing and Banking.

I will try to make it as informative as possible and I also hope you will let me know what you think about the Blog and what we might do to improve it.

4. Statistics & Reports

We will be introducing a new section on the Website in early January 2013 - Statistics & Reports. This section will house several different "real-time" reports and provide full insight on the infrastructure of the Club and its investment potential. We feel that this solution will be helpful for both new and experienced Members/Investors as it provides accurate analysis and reporting at any time (24/7), dramatically increasing the transparency of all internal business processes.

Registered Members will be able to access detailed Member Statistics, generate reports on how many Investment Contracts are established, find out which of them are Active/Expired and browse the overall Financial Statistics of the Fund.

The following are just some of the Reports we will integrate:

- Summary;

- Performance;
- Investment Contracts;
- Charts & Graphs;
- Member Accounting;
- Membership Breakdown;
- Processor Breakdown;
- Top Sponsors;
- Top Asset Holders;
- etc.

The Statistics & Reports section will also become an efficient starting point for all new (prospective) Investors. However, they will be allowed to access the Summary and Performance Reports only prior to registration.

5. Due Diligence & Documents

During the month of December, we will partially disclose the restricted information and materials contained in the 'Due Diligence Resources' section of the Website.

Under the new EPIC Disclosure Policy, the following documents will be disclosed:

- Fund Overview;

- Technical Security Sheet;
- Monthly Fund Fact Sheet;
- Performance Reports.

Private Information, including but not limited to Company Registration documents, Personal Identification documents, draft documents and other materials regarded as commercial/trade secret or personal secret will ONLY be disclosed upon the signing of the NDA.

6. Private Forum

As part of our ongoing development process, we think that a Private Members Forum would be a good way to keep our Members in touch with one another in order that they can share ideas and expertise. As soon as we have about 5000 members, we will use our previous domain name ( to set up the Forum - stay tuned for more information, you will be invited!

The above list of improvements is not complete, we will do our best to improve the service we offer to our valued Members.

In closing, I would like to say thank you to all Members who have genuinely helped EPIC grow and develop since day one! We have undergone a corporate restructuring ( merger with Royal Caribbean ) and significant changes in both ownership and management to become one of the most successful online "private" wealth clubs in Europe. Yet, without the support of persons like you, our efforts would have been in vain.

Ultimately, EPIC is your Club! Its success is bound up in your personal success and the success of each of its Members!



Jeffrey Ericson,

Managing Director and Founder
EPIC Royal Fund / EPIC Royal Investors Intl"

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