Sunday, December 16, 2012

Platinum Vertex Weekly Update

We received the usual weekending update from Platinum Vertex today regarding the processing of all cash request for the week with some additional program updates.

Platinum Vertex is middle to long term investment program and paying 4.5-6% daily for 40 business days. The program is online now for 32 days and has been promoting its program through different events and offered cash prizes. You can see the full program review and admin interview here.

The newsletter sent out informs us that all the cash out requests from December 8 - 14 had already been processed and if by chance they have missed out your pay-out, you need to inform them. 

They also gave us an update that all the cash prizes for the week's event had already been given and the prizes have reached to an approximate amount of $350. Together with this update is the announcement of next week’s Christmas Event. The event for this week is called “Best Christmas Tree Event.” The winner is decided by whoever can send to them the best picture of the owner and the Christmas tree taken together. I would have to give credit to them for really making extra effort and innovation in promoting their program in a unique way.

Lastly, they will be doing some changes on their site within the next few days. This will be in relation to the Hall of Fame Page’s improvements which as of the moment is current blank.

Here is the entire newsletter:
“Good day to All Platinum Vertex Members!

We would like to inform that all pending transactions for December 8 – 14 have already been processed. Should you any issues to your account, please do not hesitate to inform us right away!

On another note, we are very happy to announce that more than $350 have been given out as prizes for this week’s Christmas Event. We would like to thank everyone who have shared their time and effort to post out their testimonials and cash proofs online! Your cash bonuses can either be cashed out or better yet be reinvested.

Our IT Department headed by David and team have already made the new lay out for our Hall of Fame Page. Updating of the website will be done within the next coming days and details will be available soon. Examples of these are our top investors, top representatives, and event winners. Stay tune!

Lastly, next week is another week and this also means another event! I am sure that everyone is very much excited about this because I too am very excited about it. The third event for this month will be the “Best Christmas Tree Event.” The winner of the said event is the one who has a picture taken with his or her most beautiful Christmas Tree. The winner of the said event will receive a cash bonus of $50!

What are you waiting for? Start setting up your beautiful Christmas trees today!

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