Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Proforex Union Blocked Website

We received a newsletter from Proforex Union today. This program is not enlisted in My Personal List but is actually currently ranked 14 in the Top Most Favorite HYIP list.

Proforex Union is a long term investment program that pays 1.2-2.4% daily for 60 calendar days.  It is already 76 days online. It has the compounding and principal return by end of term feature.

The said newsletter sent out today informs its members that their website cannot be accessed because it is currently blocked. Unfortunately, the admin themselves also cannot explain as to why this has happened. As mentioned, the site will be back online after 48 hours.

With all honesty, I do hope that they are saying real and true words because I am suspecting that this could be the end of the program. Looking at the program’s age, it is nearing the “principal return date” for investors who have started on day one and that would be a huge hole on their funds should it happen. I just hope that I am wrong about my prediction.

Here is the entire newsletter:
“Dear investors. Our domain was blocked without warning. change of the domain can take up to 48 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sincerely, yours The Professional Forex Union team.
Contact Customer Service: Support”

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