Friday, December 28, 2012

Prospera Nova’s Tutorial on How to Invest and Withdraw

Prospera Nova’s Tutorial on How to Invest and Withdraw

We received the “traditional” form of newsletter that was sent out from Prospera Novatoday. To those who do not know, Prospera Nova has very well made its own signature through its “informative” newsletters. Each newsletter contains steps as to how to fund accounts, how to keep accounts safe from hackers, and so on and so forth. Today’s newsletter is a no exception to that.

This time around, the latest newsletter contains step-by-step explanation as to how you can deposit on the recently added investment plan which will last up until New Year. (See the newsletter of the said investment plan here). It also contains the walkthrough on how you can change the compounding percentage of your deposits. And lastly, a guide on how you can ensure that your cash out requests will be properly processed.

These guides are to address the 50% population of Prospera Nova’s investors who are all inexperienced in the HYIP industry.

Prospera Nova, a long term investment program running for 112days now and paying for 2% daily up to 365 business days. They also have the currency exchange feature which gives them uniqueness to other programs. PLEASE DO TAKE NOTE HOWEVER of the very huge exchange rates for other currencies.

1. Subscribe for FREE Daily News and Updates
2. Win CASH prizes WEEKLY!

Here is the entire newsletter:
Dear investors,
We are well aware that we need to re-design our user interface and add some tutorials as well. Around 50% of our support tickets are inexperienced members asking about how parts of our webpage operate. We shall work on that. We cannot give you a deadline, but it will be done as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we shall dedicate this newsletter to explaining three areas that seem to confuse you the most.

- When we have introduced out celebratory New Year’s plan, a lot of users could not understand how to invest in it. If you wish to do so, you are to go the New Deposit form. Observe that there is a drop down list in the Plan heading. Just click on that and you will be able to select what plan to invest in.

- Many users could not find a way to change their compounding percentage. To do so, you need to go to My Deposits. Then you may select the compounding percentage you want next to each of your deposits.

- We would like to note that, before you do your first withdraw, you should double check and verify that the data on your account is correct. Make sure that you have the correct accounts for your payment processors listed. What confuses our users most of the time is SolidTrustPay, many list their account number or e-mail instead of the username. What we need to deliver your money is the username (the same one you use to log on to SolidTrustPay). We cannot send a payment to an account number or an e-mail address.

In a nutshell, those are the three biggest problems. If you are still unclear on a particular thing, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our support staff is here just for you.

As this is likely the last newsletter you shall receive in this year, the entire team behind Prospera Nova would like to wish you a happy New Year and all the best in the upcoming holidays as well as the year that follows.

Thank you for your trust.

Best Regards,
Prospera Nova Support

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