Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Felmina Alliance Monday Holiday

We received a newsletter from Felmina Alliance today for another no pay holiday. Felmina Alliance is perhaps one of the programs in the industry who has the most number of holidays in one year making it one of the programs with the most number of non-paying days. Nevertheless it is also one of the oldest running programs.

This coming Monday will be the Martyr's Day in Panama and since Felmina Alliance is honoring the US and Panaman holidays, there will be no payout for the said date.

Felmina Alliance is ranked 6 in the Top Most Favorite HYIPs, paying for 1-1.6% daily with compounding and capital return at end of term feature and is running for 547 days now.

1. Subscribe for FREE Daily News and Updates
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Here is the entire newsletter:
"Dear The HYIP Bulletin,

Monday, January 7, 2013, is the Day off for Martyr's Day in Panama.

We observe the official holidays in the US and Panama. According to our terms of service, we do not pay interest on weekend days and official holidays. Therefore, no interest will be paid on this day.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome."

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