Monday, January 14, 2013

TrackInv Adds Facebook + Upcoming Admin Interview In The HYIP Bulletin

We received a newsletter from TrackInv, rank 9 in the Top HYIP Poll and has been online now for 50 days, about taking another step to improving the status quo of the program. TrackInv pays a daily interest rate of 3.5-5% for 60 calendar days with principal already included in the earning. Payment processors accepted by the program are Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money and Ego Pay. You can see the full review of the program here.

Today TrackInv has step up the promotion of their program by introducing it the Social Website of Facebook. Other than the HYIP community, it has already been proven that a lot of people are in the Facebook Social Website. This also means that millions of potential members can be presented with the opportunity to earn extra.

On another side of the story, I will be doing an interview with the admin of TrackInv. This is a very good opportunity for us here in The HYIP Bulletin to get to know more about him and his program. Please feel free to send you your questions so that I can ask it to him in the upcoming TrackInv Admin Interview.

Here is the newsletter:
"Dear The HYIP Bulletin,

Firstly we would like to thank all our investors for their continuous support and trust in us. Secondly we are moving one step further; and we have added our Facebook page link in our website home page.

Please share your opinion using our Facebook page and stay updated with most recent information. The direct link to access the Facebook page is

Please hit the Like button if you are happy with our services. Also, let us know if you want to see further improvements.

Thank You,

Track Invest Inc.

Your Fast Track to Success!"

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