Wednesday, February 6, 2013

New Trial Enlisting: 2013 Profit

A new program has been added to my Trial Enlisting Section today. This is a VERY FAST SHORT TERM program and that I do not recommend investing here if you are not a pretty much 24-hour watcher in the industry due to the fact that it has an HOURLY RATE PLAN. The program added is 2013 Profit. It is also part of my REFERRAL COMMISSIONS BACK PROGRAM so if you think that you can give this program a try, make sure to sign up using my referral link.

The program offers multiple plans of HOURLY and DAILY plans for up to 105-330% PER HOUR plan and 250-500% after 1 day plan.

They also have a 1.5% daily for monitoring (this is for the monitors like us). It is a bit questionable on my part since all programs should be paying all investors with the same rate regardless of what the status is, be it a monitor or not.

In any case, since the program is asking to be monitored and in relation to my "Pro Admin" policy, then I will do so. It is up to you to decide if you want to invest or not.

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